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Reiki palm stones


We are so pleased to stock Reiki

engraved palm stones 😀

Here's a little bit more on how to use them....

1.. Cho Ku Rei (Reiki Power Symbol) “Placing all the powers of the universe here” Used primarily to boost the Reiki power, to connect with Reiki energy at the start of a session, and to seal the energy at the end of a treatment. Some practitioners use it on their own palms and chakras before treating others, to help clear the channels and empower their hands. Using the power symbol over the client’s crown chakra helps create positive energy around them. Empower other Reiki symbols Helps in spot treatment Clears negative energies Provide protection Makes meals healthier and more nutritious Increase effectiveness and reduce side effects of medication Improve relationships Prevent misfortunes Activate the law of attraction 2. Sei He Ki (ReikiEmotional / Mental Healing Symbol) “The earth and sky meet”or“God and Man become one.” Different practitioners use this symbol in different ways. As an example, the practitioner draws the Cho Ku Rei (the power symbol) to create a connection with the Reiki energy source. Sei He Ki is then drawn over the troubled area where the Reiki energies are required. The energies are sealed by drawing the power symbol again. This sustains the effect of Sei He Ki for a longer time. Improve memory power Get rid of bad habits Improve relationships Empowers your affirmations Personal bodyguard Dissipates headaches Helps to find lost objects Teaches us about the synchronization or harmony of things in nature Gain more positive outlook of life and stay happy 3. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (Reiki Distance Healing Symbol) “Having no present, past or future” There are many ways to send Reiki. A lot of practitioners learn one technique, which they then tweak and personalize it to suite their style. The steps below describe one such technique: 1: Activate the power symbol. 2: Write the name of the recipient or the situation you are sending energy to on a piece of paper and hold the paper in between your hands. 3: Draw Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen in the air above the paper and repeat its name three times. 4: Repeat the name of the recipient or the situation. Draw the power symbol. 5: Allow Reiki to flow to the recipient for the greatest and highest good. 6: Finish the Reiki session by either clapping your hands or shaking them vigorously in order to cut the connection. Allows sending and receiving positive energy just anywhere and everywhere quickly and easily Perfect tool for people who find it uncomfortable to receive hands on Reiki treatment Used regularly to help keep your mind, body and spirit in harmony Healing the past Sending positive energy to the future Absentee healing 4.Dai Ko Myo (Master Symbol) “Great Enlightenment” or “Bright Shining Light” The symbol can be activated in many ways, including but not limited to: Drawing it with your palm center By visualizing it Drawing the symbol with your finger Drawing it with your third eye Spelling the name of the symbol three times. Example: First draw the Reiki symbol on your own palms or hands and then visualize or redraw the symbol on the crown chakra and the palms or hands of the client and the area to be treated. Open channels during Reiki attunement Heals the chakras, the aura and any disease that initiates from our subconscious beliefs Draw out negative energy from the body (physical emotional, mental or spiritual) and then liberate it Develop and strengthen personal growth, self awareness, spiritual development and intuition To charge or clear crystals Helps improve immune function and increase energy flow through the body.

Sacred Wishes


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