Join us the 13th February a powerful day for manifestation and connection to self, for our Self Love sound bath and cacao ceremony at The Clarence.
overcome the negative feelings that can overwhelm us sometimes, making us feel like we are losing touch with joy of connecting with others but more importantly the connection we have with ourselves.
With a Cacao ceremony connecting to your heart chakra to visualise the new year ahead set Intentions and affirmations for the future.Cacao ceremonies are an ancient, heart-opening ritual that support the body in healing and connecting with the joy and magic of cacao. To honor this sacred plant, we will hold a circle of intention setting and blessings. Together we will enjoy the physical, energetic, and emotional benefits of this divine food and medicine.
Followed by a guided meditation for heart activation and self reconnection. Focusing on self love not romance, more the pure essence of love as universal energy pure love is the magical divine state of being that is proof goodness exists in the world that we can relate to each other on compassion and that peace is possible when we reconnect to our own heart.
Ending with a beautiful sound bath from Congeries of Sound enhancing the energies of your heart chakra.
Connecting your senses, clear energy blockages, balance your emotions, and elevate your frequency through the healing power of sound and vibrations. Sound baths stimulate alpha waves in our brain which recalibrate our cells and allow us to shift into a deep state of relaxation, coherence, and harmony. Sound baths operate on a mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual dimension, allowing us to purify any dissonant energies and center deeply into ourselves.
Comfy clothing, and blankets, yoga mats recommended 🙏 a deposit is required as limited spaces contact Lisa on 07590 044417 or pop into the Clarence £25 per person a £10 deposit is required.
Please arrive a 6:30pm to start at 7pm this is downstairs.