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When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace, transform your mind into an oasis of peace and calm, with this aura cleansing spray which can create the perfect atmosphere promoting a feeling of serenity enhancing your mood, promoting a feeling of relaxation and serenity for you any time of the day.
Created with May chang for its wonderful relaxing properties and helpful during times of fatigue and anxiety. Bergamont with its fresh approach, alleviating stress to help elevate moods and orange blossom for its positive out looks and radiant energy infused with clear quartz and citrine crystal chips enhancing there energy to give off the vibrations of clarity and positivity, blended in distilled moon water charged with Reiki in a 100ml amber glass bottle.
Spray around you into your aura letting it settle onto you as body is the contact point for your aura, so you can truly breathe again and focus on what's really important.

Breathe Again Cleansing Aura Spray

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