Chakras regulate the flow of “prana” or life-force energy around us. When one more of these chakras is blocked or the energy is not flowing efficiently as it could, physical illness may result, which leads to a lowering of the body’s frequencies. By raising the frequencies, the natural balance is restored, enabling healing to take place. An “invisible’ energy field, composed of our life energy, surrounds each of us. If we do not express ourselves outwardly, then things can manifest inwardly, causing blockages, so it's good to become aware of these energy centres. That energy field integrally supports our life process, in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. This energy is our spiritual source of life.The energy field acts as a bridge, a connection between the realm of pure spirit and the material world. 30cm x 10cm on premium natural quality slate with rubber protective feet.
Chakra plate