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“I unleash fun and creativity from within me now.”
This uplifting Aura Sprays has been designed to cleanse and rebalance the chakra through the powerful combination of high quality aromatherapy oils, potenised crysta, Keep it in your handbag, house or workspace for an instant crystal uplift and reminder to keep those thoughts upbeat and positive!
Directions: Shake well. Whilst standing perfectly still, clear your mind ready to repeat the affirmation, then spray around your aura or environment and deeply inhale the aroma and the energy.
Created with Jasmine is a heady, powerful oil that is most potent at night. It has an uplifting and intoxicating fragrance often used for its aphrodisiac qualities. Grapefruit oil has a refreshing and uplifting impact on our bodies. It helps lift depressive thoughts and encourages optimism. Ylang Ylang it is a powerful essential oil. It is said to help ground, strengthen and soothe our bodies and souls, blended with 100ml of distilled moon water infused with Carnelian chips it is a crystal for motivation and creativity. It helps keep us in the present moment, encouraging vitality.
All in a 100ml amber glass bottle.

Sacral chakra aura spray

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